Worship Spaces
We treat each visitor as a pilgrim and each pilgrim as a person. Trinity Center has been a place for people to come for refreshment and retreat since its doors first opened in 1986. The maritime paths, the benches by the lagoon, the porch rockers all invite guests to sit, relax, enjoy the stillness. Trinity Center has been designed so skillfully that different groups of people may use the facility at the same time and still not intrude on each other’s space.
Julian Chapel
The chapel, dedicated to Julian of Norwich, a 14th century anchorite and mystic, offers a place for prayer and meditation twenty-four hours a day. The Julian Chapel seats twenty-four people comfortably and is available for corporate prayer and worship by those who visit Trinity Center. Frequently local volunteers read Morning Prayer from The Book of Common Prayer at 7:30am before breakfast. All are welcome.
Julian Chapel

Sanders Point
The Bishop’s Chapel at Sanders Point is named in honor of the Rt. Rev. B. Sidney Sanders, VI Bishop of the Diocese of East Carolina. The chapel was severely damaged during hurricane Florence and is not currently available for use. Plans are being made to relocate and rebuild.
Sanders Point