Annual Appeal FAQs
What is the Annual Appeal?
The Annual Appeal is a yearly campaign that assists in closing the gap in Trinity Center’s annual operating budget. Trinity Center intentionally keeps fees low to allow for widespread use of our facilities by all. The fees that we do charge do not adequately cover all our expenses. The Annual Appeal assists Trinity in being self-supporting.
How are annual contributions used by Trinity Center?
Annual Appeal contributions are spent as they come in and are directed wherever the need is greatest. Traditionally contributions are used to cover such things as building renovations, facilities and equipment upgrades, programming materials and scholarships. They also give Trinity Center the ability to take advantage of emerging opportunities and to respond to unanticipated needs and challenges.
Does my gift really matter?
YES! The number of individuals contributing to the Annual Appeal is just as important as the dollars we raise. The total number of individual contributions is a measure of support within our broader community. All gifts, regardless of amount, contribute to Trinity Center’s ability to provide hospitality to all who visit.
What is the 2023 Annual Appeal Goal?
The 2023 Annual Appeal goal is $100,000.
To give to the Annual Appeal fund, simply select ‘Annual Appeal’ from the drop-down menu once you click the link below for our PayPal.